I raise a happy mug to thee
My favorite pub so near
Which has gone the way of barrels past --
Different and here no more
I raise a happy mug to thee
My Dragon'd pub so fair
My heart is touched with hoppy thoughts --
Filled with tasty fries and rotating taps
I raise a happy mug to thee
My foundered pub o' my heart
Alas! You leave! O! Like the yeast of my beer --
You gave your life to make us happy
I raise a sorrowful mug to thee
My cheerful pub of brewing beginnings
Has come to a rogueful end --
I wish thee fair and happy barley dreams
I raise a sorrowful mug to thee --
Rogue makes great beers -- one of my favorite ales is Dead Guy Ale -- and they do serve good food, but The Green Dragon was a truly unique place. I didn't get there as often as my brother (who was a Founder -- he invested some money, and, in return got a huge ceramic mug made especially for him -- something like 20 oz, I believe? -- which he got one free filling each time he went there -- all Founders got that -- and then 10% off his tab.).
They had many awesome beers; the hope is that Rogue will keep the rotating taps and remain true to the original philosophy and atmosphere of the pub, but only time will tell. I was sad to learn the news of the changing of the guard, but hopefully it will remain unique.