Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Could I Please Stop Unpacking Now?

Oh, man. All I can say to describe how I feel at the moment is in AppleTalk (so to speak...)

And that's: iHurt.

Eeerrruunnghh also sums it up. At the moment, however, I'm without Internet, and so I'm writing this with the idea that I'll upload it later. Maybe even just go over to my old unit, hook my modem up and do something from there. Or do something even more PDX, and that's to go to a McMenamins, have a beer and something to eat, perhaps, and browse from there. Have to keep up on my Dear Abby, afterall.

I must next say I'm so very grateful to all the people who showed up to help: Karell and her son Nathan (who, despite having Crohn's Disease, put out a wonderful effort and schlepped a lot of the really heavy stuff), Andrew and Hanne, who zipped in on their bikes from the Sunset Transit Center after riding in on MAX, our light rail train (they had the idea of riding all the way back, but I knew after all the schlepping they'd likely not...they didn't); Dad and Cindy. I was hoping to get my bathroom cabinet that hangs over my toilet as well as my curtains hung up, but Dad said he absolutely could not do anything more. I don't blame him. So the plan is to come back on Monday to get that done. I'd also like him to hang another towel rack in my bathroom (there's just one small one now). I think I'll swing over to Home Depot tomorrow to see what I can find. I'm sure I can find something that at least matches.

I do have to have the electricians come back; two of my bedroom plugs are wholly useless, one only works on the top half, and the fourth one is the only fully-functional one. They've also, in both the living room and the bedroom, but the heaters in even stupider places than the ones I saw in the other unit. I had to put my bureau in front of the one in my room, and the one in the living room is flush against my chair.

My friend Rory took a look at it on Friday before everything was in, and he said he knew how he could simply disconnect it so it doesn't come on (it's basically a space heater with an element inside blowing the air out by a fan). That way I can still use the one in the dining area.

I don't know what I'll do about my bedroom; I have, for the last 6 years gone without in there, as I had electric heating units that ran along the baseboard there in that unit, and I had furniture in my bedroom that was against it, making it impossible to use. But there is a little corner in my new room with a plug (right next to the terrace door; at the moment, it's one of the defunct plugs) that would make a great place for one of those oscillating tower units that's either a fan or a heater; they stand about 3 or so feet high. You can also make it so they don't oscillate, and right where it would be would blow right on me at night. We'll see. I survived in my old room without heat for years, and when it got colder, I just piled on more blankets.

Speaking of piling on blankets, I picked up three of those vacuum bags for storage at the U-Haul place; I know I paid more than I needed to (at least likely so) than I could at Fred Meyer for an equivalent bag, but it's way cool. After using up two and sucking the air out, I managed to store my sleeping bag, two comforters, a blanket and an electric heated mattress pad for my air bed (it's otherwise to cold to sleep on) in the same space that would be roughly the equivalent of four book boxes or more. Way cool.

I'm drowning in boxes. I know I'll find I have to donate more stuff, so that's okay. I gave away a lot, and I know I'll find more. What I did was totally clear out my other second bedroom of stuff (most of what I gave away had been stored there), then pulled out some stuff I had stored in my second bedroom closet, then also the hall closet, using what I had left to gauge what I could store here.

I did find I can't put my cedar chest in my room, but I think I can get it to fit out here in the living room. I may switch what's stored in it; put the sheets and sweaters in my closet in my bedroom, and then old towels or something in it that I don't have to get to a lot. But then I kind of lose the point of having the cedar chest: it protects my sweaters and makes my sheets smell oh so good.

I have pictures of the carnage that's situated around me; I shall, when I can upload the pictures to Flickr, let you guys see it. I'll probably do that several times, so you can all see the progress. I know you're all just living on the edge of your seats to get each new update from me!

The first thing I did was hook up my new HD box (I was wrong; I can't fast forward through a live program, only what's been recorded into the buffer of the show...not what I was thinking I could do. But it's still cool – I missed the conclusion of Law and Order, so I simply rewound, watched it and then changed the channel. Once you change the channel, the buffer's cleared for that station.)

I can, however, record two programs simultaneously if I wanted to do so; so that means if I want to record Best of Quilting the same time DinoGems of the Lost World is on, I can. That's a plus.

I'm kind of overwhelmed by all my new channels; I keep finding lots of things I want to see and try. Plus the package I get does, I found out, give me a few more HD channels – like the Science Channel, National Geographic and...oooOOOOoooOOooOoO...the NFL Channel. I'm currently watching Sci-Fi in HD, and I must say, it's been awhile since I've seen Jurassic Park look this good. HD really is nice. It's like having your shows in DVD-quality.

And now I'm enjoying The African Queen on Turner Classic Movies. One of my favorite films. It's not HD, but that's okay. I shall find a way to survive.

I did manage to get a few boxes unpacked. One because it was in the way of my washing my face, and another because I needed what was on the bottom. I also cleared out a few shopping bags of stuff. I have all day tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday, so I think I'll make some really good headway.

But right now, I think I need to take a shower and figure out what I want to eat...again. I had a pretty decent dinner around 5:30, but I'm really hungry. I just don't know if I have the wherewithall to go and get anything....

-- H

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