Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Lord Edward

I did some poking around last night about Ruby Throated Hummingbirds, and it turns out they don't live here in Oregon; they do in BC and a few other NW Canadian territories, but not here. I thought it was perhaps a Rufous Hummingbird, but then I came across a YouTube video about a breed called Anna's Hummingbird.

Here is one of Lord Edward's bretheren, filmed at an aviary in Oklahoma:

They live mostly in California, but also into Arizona in the summer, but they like to winter up through the Wilamette Valley and the Oregon Coast, up into Washington and well up into British Columbia. So it looks like Lord Edward will be staying with me through the winter. I've seen a female around, too, but not as much. I kept my feeder filled all through Winter last year, as I did occasionally see hummingbirds come to it. I'm not sure what kind, though.

It turns out, from what I've read, that his perching on the three trees near me and vocalizing so clearly is his way of saying to all around -- hey, this is my feeder! Stay away! Stay away!" (Funnily enough, I haven't seen him use it recently....)

He starts in at dawn and goes well into dusk; Anna's Hummingbirds seem to be a bit more territorial than other birds, and they also guard against any bird coming near. That must be why my suet feeder hasn't found any takers.

I also read that the male likes to put on big flying and diving displays -- not just for female companions, but they like to show off for people, too -- to the point where they will angle themselves so that sunlight will show off their bright garnet plumage on their throats and head (and they can, in short bursts, fly upwards at 50 mph! Speedy little fellow, that Edward).

I have noticed, though, when Lord Edward is away, other birds do start singing in the trees.

And, thankfully, no more ants! In addition to using the monofilament and putting bay leaves on the feeder, I moved it to a slightly different spot so that the ants didn't keep trying.

My mother, upon reading my last post, called and offered me her fountain for my terrace. She brought it over today, and so I think this evening I'll put it together. Usually I go to yoga at the gym on Tuesday nights, but I've been so pooped in the evenings I may skip it. Besides, I want to enjoy as much time as I can out there on my terrace; within the next month or so it'll start getting cooler. The locust tree outside my apartment is already getting yellow leaves.

-- H

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