The headline is from a reply my brother sent to me yesterday, upon his receipt of my "Happy Birthday!" post on his Facebook wall when he saw the timestamp. I'd been awake since 2:35 that morning. My reply was "Could be...could very well be."
My dad and grandmother both have a tendency for waking up early in the morning -- and staying awake, usually -- and Andrew and I lately seem to both be waking up really early. My mother does the opposite -- she often doesn't go to bed until around 2:30 - 3:00 in the morning...sort of the opposite, but still similar.
I usually feel pretty rested. Yesterday I was kind of tired, but by Fridays I usually am, anyway. I can say that the fatigue I had, however, was far less than in other weeks and months, even after getting 8-9 hours of sleep. I'm a bit on the more-fatigued side this morning, but I'm wondering if that's more due to the fact I was wide awake at 4:35 (what is it with the :35 minute time with me? 3:35, 2:35, 4:35... or sometimes it's 3:23, 4:23, etc. Maybe I should have a numerologist take a gander? Ha!)
Anyway. I am more tired than I was yesterday, but as I started to say, I wonder if it's more because I didn't just get up when I first awoke at 4:35; I opted to go back into a doze, and I fell into a round of vivid, thick-feeling over-sleep dreams. I awoke at 5:23 -- there it is again -- and made myself get up. But I did feel rather groggy and worn out as I do when I (make myself) sleep longer than my body indicates it wants. I won't really be able to take a nap later, as I have a "human needlepoint" appointment (as Andrew calls my acupuncture appointments), and then I'm heading over to his and Hanne's (pronounced, as she says, "like banana) house for celebrations. It was his 30th (eeek!) birthday yesterday, and she passed the bar exam with flying colors. They also recently got engaged. Yippee!
I am wondering if this new time thing is actually progress; while I'm crashing around 8:15 in the evening or so (I prefer to go to bed when I'm tired, and not stretch it out and go to bed at a time that "seems" better), it appears these earlier times (at least for now) is what my body wants...before I'd go to bed then and sleep until 5-6 (or even 7) in the morning and still wake up tired. I was diagnosed last year with adrenal fatigue, which was the reason I was consistently tired, even with exercise (yoga, mostly -- or walks) and a good diet. So between my nutritionist, my superb acupuncturist (LaNai Mackey; she works at the Kwan Yin Center if any of you local peeps would like to have an appointment; the fee is anything from $45 to, I think $75 -- meaning it's up to you what you want to pay from the low to high end) and my Kaiser doctor, I got that under control. So...yeah. I'd like to see this as progress.
I was so tired there for awhile I even dropped yoga out of my life. I'd get home from work and want to just become a schlump of a potato on my couch. But in recent months I've begun working on a new book, I've gotten back into my beloved yoga (as I did I really wondered why I quit, given how good it makes me feel!), and I really started taking a hard look at my died and realized I'd kind of fallen off the wagon; it was okay / decent...but it was lacking in some areas. I also realized I really wanted to take better care of myself...had an epiphany that I hadn't wanted to for long months. Or I hadn't cared. Or both.
But I think I'm back up and running; though not literally. My left knee would commit mutiny and throw me overboard if I did. I'm just glad I'm feeling better!
Maybe I could do some writing in the morning, too....oh. That would be nice; especially with how quiet it is then. Wowsers. I see why it's recommended to do meditation or tai chi or qi gong and such at that hour. It's like the whole world -- at least in your timezone -- is still and breathing more fully.
Okee dokee. I think that's all for now; time to go switch my laundry.
-- H
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